Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to- Normal?

I am so thankful the holidays are over. I didn't really get to enjoy them this year as I normally do. As any one who reads this probably already knows we moved the day after Thanksgiving, so getting my tree up the first of Dec. didn't happen. My shopping was put off till very late. Our Christmas was unusual, having to have it in the evening instead of first thing in the morning. Our visit to Brian's parents in IL was short, and very quick. Our New Years went by so fast I couldn't even believe it, and now it is all over. On the up side though, Brian was off for 5 FULL days. We enjoyed spending time together as a family for the first time really since we have been here. Then he worked Mon.-Wed. was off again Thurs. worked Fri. and got off half a day Sat. So, we have been blessed with his presence more than normal, and I am so thankful for that. But now he is back to work in the full swing of things. I just really hope he gets his Saturdays off now that the old year is over, and inventory is done.

I got up this morning with plans to get my tree down, and all the Christmas stuff put away, so I could begin again organizing things that have yet to be unpacked. But I woke up not feeling to great this morning. I think I have a stomach bug of some sort. Bret and two of my nephews had it over the New Year. So, I'm sure that's what I have too. And on top of that, I didn't sleep hardly at all last night, so I am a little tired from lack of sleep. At least I'm not in bed sick, I just feel blah, and don't feel like doing anything. I hope the rest of my kids stay healthy though, and don't get sick.

I have ordered our homeschooling curriculum, so I am hoping to get the kids started back a.s.a.p. We have been out a LOT longer than I had antisipated or hoped. I haven't figured it up yet, but I hope they aren't too terribly behind.

Well, that is a brief rundown of what is going on here. I am ready to get back to some form of "normalcy" if that is possible around here, I'm not real sure though. We haven't experienced it since we have been back here. So, I guess we will see.

I hope you all had a very good Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Till Next Time.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

Hey girl, I'm so sorry you're sick! I hope you can get some extra rest. I've been meaning to call you! I'll have to do that soon.

Love ya! ♥

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