Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Well, Christmas is almost here, and what have I done to prepare for it. Pretty much nothing. My living room is still a mess. I still have two huge piles of boxes in the corner of my living room. Therefore the chair that goes in the corner is out in the middle of the floor. Our other chair is sitting in front of the window where the Christmas tree should go, but there is no where to move it to for everything else in the way.

Brian just found out he is going to have to work the next two Saturdays. Full days too, not just till noon. So, I have NO idea when we are going to be able to do any Christmas shopping, IF at all.

I am just really finding it VERY hard to get in the Christmas spirit this year. Having to move right in the middle of the holidays really stinks. I feel so disorganized, (Not like I am a real organized person to begin with, so if I feel disorganized, you know it's gotta be bad.) and like I am so far behind on everything. I don't know if it will ever get done.

But on the up side of things. Brian has been selling some stuff on e-bay, so that is nice for the little bit of extra money. I have found a few of the things the kids are asking for for Christmas at MUCH lower prices that we were expecting to pay, and that is a HUGE blessing. Because the one thing Bret wants he wasn't going to be able to get at all because it was WAY out of our price range, but I found it last night just under what we were planning on spending. SO, PRAISE THE LORD. Bret is going to be SO excited!!!

I hope everyone else's pre-Christmas plans are going along more smoothly for them. I am sure when it is all over and we look back we will say, as we do every year, that was the best Christmas we have ever had.

Talk to you again soon.

1 comment:

Misty said...

You will get there soon! When we moved back to IL, we moved on December about a headache.

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