Saturday, November 6, 2010

Decision Made

For anybody who cares, I have made my decision. I am going to sell Mary Kay. It is something I have always wanted to do. I love Mary Kay products. I have always used them when I had access to a MK consultant. God has opened the doors with the means for me to start this venture, and someone to start it with. I am very excited about being able to do this, and I am asking God to bless my endeavors and use this business to honor and glorify him.

If you are reading this and you have need of anything Mary Kay offers, give me a holler, I would be glad to be of service to you.

Your New Mary Kay Representative,
Dixie Wagahoff

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Our Move to OK

As most of you know we just moved to Tulsa, OK. We've been here almost a month now. We absolutely love it here. Our journey to today ...